If the number of dice in that pool is greater than or equal to the Wounds characteristic of any of the reassembling models, select one of those models to be Reanimated. A Reanimation Protocol roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1. Each Reanimation Protocol roll of 5+ is put into a pool. Each time a unit's reanimation protocols are enacted, make Reanimation Protocol rolls for that unit by rolling a number of D6 equal to the combined Wounds characteristics of all the reassembling models. Those Necrons too catastrophically damaged to reform vanish instead, teleported away to their tombs for repair.Each time an enemy unit shoots or fights, after it makes its attacks, if any models in this unit were destroyed as a result of those attacks but this unit was not destroyed, this unit's reanimation protocols are enacted and those destroyed models begin to reassemble. Witchlights flare back to life within dead eye-lenses and the Necron rises again, shambling back into their battle line.

Sundered torsos and smashed skulls reform amidst emerald sparks. Should a Necron be slain, its body becomes wreathed in an eerie glow. Example: If you include a Royal Warden in your army, and you decide it is from the Novokh Dynasty, its keyword becomes NOVOKH and its Relentless March ability reads ‘While a friendly NOVOKH CORE unit is within 6" of this model, each time that unit is selected to make a Normal Move or Advance, until the end of the phase, add 1" to the Move characteristic of models in that unit.’ If your army is Battle-forged, you cannot include units from two different dynasties in the same Detachment. This could be one of the dynasties detailed a Warhammer 40,000 publication, or one of your own design.

When you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate which dynasty it is from and then replace the keyword in every instance on its datasheet with the name of your chosen dynasty.

Most Necrons units are drawn from a dynasty. This is a keyword that you can select for yourself, as described in the Warharnmer 40,000 Core Book, with the guidance below. Many datasheets in this section have the keyword.